we are what we love

I’m a curious cat who likes to play in a lot of sandboxes. Here are a few recent passion projects:

The Expat Marriage Guidebook - I wrote a book about surviving & thriving in overseas relationships.

Echo & Narcissus - I taught myself about AI by bringing a graphic novel concept I’ve been sitting on for years to life using Midjourney. You can buy a print version on Barnes & Noble or Amazon, or shoot me a message and I will happily send you a digital copy for free.

Utopia: An Italian Study is a somewhat futile attempt to make sense of life in Italy by pinning bizarre happenings down like butterflies* for observation and further study. Essays + podcast updated intermittently.
*no butterflies were harmed in the making of this project.

she existed. - A podcast about women of history and/or legend. Updates more or less biweekly biannually, these days!

Just Beyond - A photo project exploring subjects just out of reach.

Earth’s Witnesses - A climate change awareness project (coming soon!). On hold!